Guzman y Gomez partners with The Hunger Project Australia

This year GYG is proud to continue our long term partnership with Mision Mexico and The Hunger Project.

15 May 2024
By GYG Team

GYG has partnered with The Hunger Project Australia who have a vision of a world without hunger. GYG will be supporting the Eat Well program in Mexico, where hunger and malnutrition is a huge and growing challenge.

The Hunger Project’s Eat Well program works with women and communities to promote eating traditional and nutritious food. The Hunger Project Mexico team empowers local women in becoming community leaders in the fight against hunger by growing food locally and providing education on how to make food as nutritious as possible. 

We’ve been working on this partnership for some time and we could not be more proud to support an Australian organisation that has a vision to end world hunger. The Eat Well program provides the indigenous Chiapas community with education and tools which will help make a positive impact on their lives.

Montserrat Salazar Gamboa, Country Director of The Hunger Project Mexico said;  “Guzman y Gomez are the perfect partner for our Eat Well program. Their support means we can empower even more women to lead their communities and use local knowledge to change the systems that keep people in hunger and poverty.” 

This year GYG is proud to continue our long term partnership with Mision Mexico and The Hunger Project.

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